Brian's Computers


I have too many computers. Traditionally I have listed them as part of my SETI@home/einstein@home participation, and named them so I can remember which one is which, but my activities there are only for part of the year. More recently (June 2023) I created a page to list my various retro tech related hoardings, but that sort of leaves a gap for more complete systems. Some of these systems are dotted about in the general Projects section, so I thought I'd bring things more together here.


[Tsunami Virgo]
Athlon XP
Windows XP

Pentium III
Windows ?
iMac G5 [Dell Studio Hybrid 140g]
Power Mac G4 iMac A1311 Dan
Athlon XP
Windows XP

[Toshiba 17"]


[Dell XPS 210]


Windows XP


[Antec Fusion]

HP Media Center "Apple"

[Shuttle PC]




[Software I Use]



