Heated debate between Bret Weinstein & Robert Wright about military readiness and system corruption
DarkHorse Podcast Clips | Date added: 02-December-22


My response...

Bret's "hypothesis" is that the US government has been infiltrated by a foreign power, leading to members of the military being vaccinated against a virus which is unlikely to harm them, with a vaccine that is more likely to harm them than others (due to the age group and fitness level of a typical soldier).

This seems plausible, however I propose that it may be 'the powers that be'/pulling the strings don't necessarily intend to harm those in the military, but they are merely collateral damage for a practice that involves targeting as much of the populous as possible. If the military weren't included in the Covid vaccine rollout then it would surely increase vaccine hesitancy among everyone else - especially among those in a similar age group or who look up to the military. A so-called "conspiracy theory" is that the vaccine is being used for depopulation, and if that is the case then targeting those in the "prime of their life" would be highest priority.

A militarytimes.com article points out that in a study Marines were 52% more likely to get vaccinated compared to those in the Army who were the lowest out of the four military branches. To me the Marines are the pinnacle of the whole "following of orders" brigade, since their training demands it. If getting vaccinated is presented as an order, and they accept it as being "for their country" then they're going to do it. To not do so would not be akin to being a marine.

Throughout this whole Covid thing I've continually questioned, or rather, refused to accept figures presented to me. For those that want to see as many people vaccinated as possible they're going to hype-up (or even lie about) whatever figures they need to. I can see how being told "95% of people have been vaccinated" could lead someone in the minority to follow suit, but there is a possibility that such a figure is a lie, especially when other lies have and are been told (not just about Covid). This article also quotes Marine Corps Lt. Gen. David Ottignon as saying "I can tell you there are no operational impacts across the force for readiness" and that less than 1% of those in the forces have left of a refusal to be vaccinated. Of course they'd want to present that figure so as not to give any perceived edge to an enemy.

Even Ottignon using the phrase "I can tell you..." makes me question the claim, it implies that is all he can say, as in, he can't say otherwise, he's not allowed. All he has been told to say is "there are no operational impacts across the force for readiness" in response to such a question, not that that is the truthful answer! This is the kind of reading-between-the lines I find myself doing when hearing any kind of official statement; it's mostly all a play on words.

But, refusals to be vaccinated are on the rise, or rather, to be boosted, which seems to be where the greatest risk lies. Hear about professional mountain biker Kyle's vaccine injury story on Dr. John Campbell's channel here. His first dose seemingly went fine, but his second immediately went wrong and lead to him suffering heart damage. If you do get a Covid vaccine/booster and immediately have a metallic taste in your mouth, then report this immediately.

What do you think?


How I Cured Years of Depression Within Days (Do These 4 Things)
Bright Insight | Date added: 25-October-22


My response...

It has been a while since I had watched anything from Jimmy @Bright Insight so I looked him up. Quite often he produces videos about ancient history which I find interesting, but in this particular video I decided to watch as he recounted some of his experiences with depression and how he dealt with it.

For a long time I didn't realise I was dealing with any sort of depression, and then it took some time to accept that I was from time to time. Early on it appears my experience was masked by what I felt to be fatigue or a lack of motivation, which I now learn could have been symptoms of depression - if this is so then I've been dealing with this mild form of depression for twenty-odd years.

Jimmy's 4 Things:

1. Dry Saunas
2. Boost Testosterone (Men) with leg exercises
3. Purpose and Goals
4. Small things: Eat fruit and veg, get outside, good sleep etc.

For me I have for a long time focused on the last two while being aware of the testosterone link. I feel like I do well with 4, while 3 can be a challenge when experiencing a lack of motivation, or fatigue after a stressful day. Through my brief periods of actual depression my mood about "my purpose" in life, and my efforts towards my goals and plans I set myself would be even more hampered. Then, because I am in a good routine of spending time outside I started supplementing Vitamin D through darker days (in two senses of the word).

As for those leg exercises I'm actually heard that upper body workouts and resistance training are what can boost testosterone (I'm pretty sure Joe Rogan has pushed this point numerous times in his podcasts). But I'm not an upper-workout kind of guy. It appears I get a good leg workout most days because I primarily do cycling, but I am pretty sure I suffer from a life of "naturally" low Testosterone (being a skinny guy with long hair can be signs of this).

Taking a dry sauna as Jimmy recommends is not something I had considered in relation to depression, nor do I have any interest (or motivation!) in seeking out, but later I was watching another video (26:17 and 39:14) about Testosterone-inhibiting toxins (from water/plastics/packaging/clothing/cosmetics) and taking a sauna was recommended there to help remove such toxins and heavy metals from our bodies. This link implies that Jimmy's experience of rapidly improved mood from his sauna could have been attributed to a testosterone issue.

Avoiding having a sauna needn't necessarily be huge problem because any activity/sport that causes sweating could surely have a similar effect - in conclusion I just need to keep up with my running and cycling - two things I had to avoid recently due to falling down a mountain and injuring my ribs!

What do you think?


Physician Gabor Maté Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety
PowerfulJRE | Date added: 14-September-22


My response...

I think this short video (and perhaps what I write here in response to it) could be of interest to many people dealing with ADHD.

Here is an excerpt from Gabor Maté's page on Wikipedia to provide an introduction:

Maté has a background in family practice and a special interest in childhood development, trauma and potential lifelong impacts on physical and mental health including autoimmune disease, cancer, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), addictions and a wide range of other conditions.

Maté's approach to addiction focuses on the trauma his patients have suffered and looks to address this in their recovery. In his book In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters with Addiction, Maté discusses the types of trauma suffered by persons with substance use disorders and how this affects their decision making in later life.

...He has authored four books exploring topics including ADHD, stress, developmental psychology, and addiction...

While, as stated, ADHD may not be heritable as such, it can be a learned behaviour/reaction to certain things within (or lacking in) a family unit.

"A coping mechanism"

"Sitting in a classroom is not a natural state."

For me, I did ok at school, because the option to "escape" wasn't there. After school and into college I struggled because I now had the option to escape or avoid. I've come to realise that my childhood was far more traumatic than I understood at the time, from an early family death to deal with to parents who struggled (or even failed) to provide for all their kids. Either through pride or developing a "stiff upper lip" I either exhibited a posture of not being bothered by things, or I hid those things away; I'm now way into adulthood and have only just come to learn these things about myself, although I've been actively tackling symptoms all this time.

"The brain can change if you treat it right."

The reason we can't focus is because we're "choosing" not to; to stick with something challenging is itself a challenge, it can be easier to escape/run away from that thing or avoid it in the first place. Being disruptive in class (as Rogan gives an example of) is a form of avoidance, and one class clown can be of benefit to others seeking escape from the discomfort of study. Rogan, like myself, sees the issue of using medication to tackle these problems.

The points about autoimmune disorders possibly being a symptom of ADHD is something I'd not come across before, although I've been aware of the link with stress which can come in various forms (I developed Asthma and Hayfever in my childhood)... One perhaps also has to consider inflicted stresses such as news about pandemics, so-called invasions or rising fuel and food costs and how all these things can play into the ADHD mind. When medication is provided as the solution, one should, I believe, question who ultimately benefits from all of this.

What do you think?



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