Dentists Debunk 15 More Teeth Myths
Science Insider | Date added: 12-April-22


My response...

This video came up in my feed with a thumbnail referring to the supposed myth that a tooth cavity can't heal itself. This is something I have heard of so I was curious to know if this was only a myth.

Essentially, the two dentists promote the use of fluoride which you may be aware is generally included in toothpaste but may also be present in the water you drink.

Basically, if a cavity is only as deep as the enamel then the body can repair this through a process of remineralisation. Fluoride assists in this process. (I do wonder if the body can produce this, or has other mechanisms for repair since some people who I deemed to believers in this self-healing tooth myth were also likely to be anti-fluoride - some would even talk about 'willing the tooth to heal' as in using the powers of "Intention" or mind-over-matter.)

Doing a quick bit of Googling reveals that there is a fine balance between an amount of Fluoride that will help, and strangely, an amount that will damage the teeth. FYI, the pictures of the latter aren't pretty.

There are so-called conspiracy theories surrounding the use of fluoride, especially in area where it is actively added to drinking water. Does fluoride then have negative health effects?

It became obvious to me that generally these dentists (and surely others) were focused mostly on the health of a persons teeth and not so much on the body as a whole (although they did talk of a child's mental health with regards to their teeth). The drinking of fruit juice, or the consumption of fruit itself, they contested, was acidic and therefore damaging to the teeth. Milk, they said, would be the better option in this regard, or ideally water.

These two points, fruit and milk, discount the benefits and harms (respectively) these things have/cause. Fruit provides valuable Vitamin C and other health benefits for example, while milk, some would argue, should not be consumed beyond breast-feeding age ("which other mammals do this?") and is loaded with the hormones (oestrogen) pumped into the cows the stuff is pumped out from (which has an effect on men and women alike - turning male frogs gay, some say).

Conversely, children are more susceptible to Fluorosis (too much Fluoride), so even if levels in water, and in toothpaste, are deemed "safe" or "within guidelines" individually by the FDA, for example, for adults at least, in children, and when combined, and over the course of adolescence or a lifetime, could become significant.

What are the side effects of too much Fluoride? Anxiety is said to be one.

One thing I had already heard, but realistically didn't know if it was just an old wives tale, was if you get your tooth knocked out or broken off, to put it in milk. This is a big take away; if you have this happen, or witness it, to do this promptly and for the victim to get to a dentist/hospital quickly, as a point of emergency, because the tooth can be saved (the milk helps to keep it alive). Fascinating.

Returning to what we should or shouldn't drink; the dentists point out that it is not so much the sugar that damages teeth (as we are lead to believe), but the PH level; and in sugar-free varieties the PH level is no better.

Someone who has a health diet packed with vitamins and minerals surely has a body that is better protected against decay (such as of the teeth), but is also in a better position to heal itself. Compare this to someone who avoids fruit and fruit juices and only drinks milk instead of consuming these things. Which will result in the healthier body and teeth?

My own arguments are that sugar-free varieties are at best, no better, and at worst, worse than their sugared counterparts due to either the toxic nature of the sweeteners used, or the the impact any sweetener has on the blood-sugar levels. You'd be better off watering down your soft drinks, if not cutting them out all together.

My drinks of choice are coffee and tea (I've struggled to drink water since the pipes in my area were replaced). The former features more favourably on the PH-scale, and better still when it has milk in. Having said that, my dentist often remarks that my teeth are stained and I can only put it down to this.

"Most coffee varieties are acidic, with an average pH value of 4.85 to 5.10" - www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-coffee-acidic

"Cow's Milk — pasteurized, canned, or dry — is an acid-forming food. Its pH level is below neutral at about 6.7 to 6.9. This is because it contains lactic acid. Remember, though, that the exact pH level is less important than whether it’s acid-forming or alkaline-forming."

"Raw goat milk is alkaline-forming in the body. However, most goat milk available in stores is pasteurized and acidic-forming." - www.healthline.com/health/ph-of-milk

Health nuts often preach about the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar, but this is up there near vinegar, so would surely be bad for the teeth when consumed regularly and without brushing after. Overall, given a healthy diet, the body will regulate the PH level throughout the body (blood and digestive system).

Weirdly, regarding that PH chart (from Wikipedia), it refers to the scale as being Acid, Neutral, and Base. When I was at school we were taught it as Acid, Neutral, and Alkali. Wikipedia states: "A soluble base is called an alkali if it contains and releases OH− ions quantitatively" - therefore, not all bases are alkali.

Coincidentally, as I write this, an AwakenWithJP video I watched today was 'sponsored by' a toothbrush manufacturer. That toothbrush was of the expensive and 'cleaver science' variety. Clearly JP must be considered to have nice teeth otherwise the company wouldn't have chosen him as his poster-boy. As was said in the tooth myth video, genetics plays a large part in how nice your teeth are and how resilient they are to decay, likewise, no expensive toothbrush is going to fix that, or your poor dietary choices. In fact, you'd probably be better off spending your money on better food than eating junk and buying that kind of toothbrush. The other factor, as I read more into it, was the fancy toothbrush encouraged more and focused brushing, which you could achieve with a bulk-standard toothbrush.

The dentists debunk the myth, as I can, that it's not possible to keep your teeth into old age; my grandad, I think he was 90s when he died, as the nurses remarked, still had some of his teeth.

What do you think?


The Russian / Ukraine Conflict
Various | Date added: 02-April-22


My response...

This is my general response and position on the matter, not that it matters, because in the grand scheme of things I'm no one of any significance.

During the 'Covid Pandemic' I came to realise that most people are morons and follow and believe what they are told by the general media and their dictatorship governments. Actually, I have been largely more sympathetic than this because I like to think that it's not necessarily someone's fault that they believe what they are told, and do so with a belief that the are doing the good and right thing. It is, after all, a multi-billion-dollar machine that controls them, and I'm not immune from this.

It can therefore be of little surprise that I see similar issues with how the portrayal of the Russian / Ukraine conflict is dealt with, namely that people believe the narrative they are told, and more often than not in a naive and simplistic fashion. This of course can, and does, happen on both sides.

Most people simply saw 'the Russians invading Ukraine' on TV or whatever media portal they are subjected to. Indeed, even the term 'invasion' is a loaded one. They fail to see a bigger picture or appreciate that this 'conflict' has been going on for longer - the same was true of the Afghanistan/Iraq wars. Indeed, in drawing some comparisons between all of these conflicts, we can reveal some hypocrisy.

Most people will agree that war is bad - I despise war. Violence is bad. Innocent people getting injured or dying is bad. When a situation has reached these points it has obviously escalated from something more benign; NATO, with Ukraine, from my limited understanding, has been posing a threat to Russia for years; Putin gave warnings regarding this and these were not heeded.

It therefore bothers me when I see the masses siding with Ukraine, as this is how it appears to me when I see people with their Ukrainian flags and colours, and parroting such phrases as "I stand with Ukraine". I had (and still have) such an awkward feeling when people tell me to "Stay Safe" (which was a popular 'slogan' that started being banded about during the pandemic, and still people come out with today. If you "stand with Ukraine" does that mean you stand against Russia? If so, then you are part of the conflict in my opinion; because if you are part of a conflict that is born out of taking sides then likewise you are part of the war that develops. Furthermore, if you agree with your country supplying weapons for a conflict then you are pro-war, because certainly in this case you do not facilitate the ending of the war, but the prolonging of it. By all means support the innocent people that have fled conflict.*

*Although it also irritates me that every shop/store, online and offline, pushes their position, that they "support Ukraine", which, like being confronted about a lack of mask, makes me want to not deal with those people or places (and indeed, some I have ultimately avoided).

Most people in the West don't have any friends or family in either Russia or Ukraine, and given the size of each region and the populations that reside there, it's actually more likely that you'd know someone in Russia rather than Ukraine. But people seem to like siding with an under-dog, especially when it actually has no bearing on their own lies - the global media system brings the whole world to our attention and presents it as if it's meaningful, when centuries ago, before newspapers were a thing, such things would matter little. As I was piecing this topic together in my mind I couldn't help but recall when I was a child changing schools; at my first school football wasn't a thing (although I liked kicking a ball around), but when I went to a new school I was immediately surrounded by the fellow boys in my class. "Which team do you support?" they pleaded. They gave me two choices, seemingly the two at the top of the league at the time, but teams and names that meant nothing to me, they weren't even of our area, so I was baffled as to why "those" were the choices. On the spot I had to pick a side, and after a brief moment I picked one, and the kids all then dispersed, some perhaps giving me a pat on the back about my "good choice", while others sighed with disagreement.

We're all human, it doesn't matter which side, or which country we were born in or reside in. At least, it shouldn't.

I wonder if "war" would have even developed if Ukraine hadn't responded in a militarily-defensive manner against a super-power. This is Playground 101; if the big kid threatens you for your lunch money you'd be wise to just hand it over if you foresee things kicking off. Why didn't people there just go about their peaceful day-to-day business? Even if military vehicles decided to drive down their street? It was a disagreement between "countries" and "leaders" and little, I think, at that point, to do with individuals.

I came to learn (see video above) that such things as the Western banks and big corporations (like McDonalds) pulling out of Russia was likely not what it seemed; I came to learn that in the month or so prior to the so-called invasion, Russia and China had formed a pact in a widely publicised document, but largely ignored. It spoke of how they had decided now was the time for them to turn away from the Western system of things, and that banking system (I didn't even know there were different ones). There was also a strange part referring to China's stance on the Covid outbreak, as if they were still uncertain of its origins (strange that it mostly points to a facility on their soil, albeit with funding from the West); if they're genuinely that baffled then the finger points back at the West, and if this is so, then such facilities being in Ukraine seem not to be insignificant.

How this conflict is said to impact the West, or more specifically myself in the UK is through fuel prices. However, this is something else that doesn't add up (it has been pointed out that prices were already rising prior to the "invasion"). Whatever the case may be, someone, somewhere is profiteering (in addition to those manufacturing the weapons); either the usual fuel and energy suppliers are now making more money, or if these things are having to be sourced from somewhere else, then those other places are making money instead. Ultimately it is the individual like you and me that pays the price - is is us that fund these wars - I've attempted to relinquish portion of my enforced involvement by now generating my own energy through solar. Every time I see someone driving a new, over-sized, gas-guzzling car, I see someone that's funding a war.

What do you think?


Damien Echols | Date added: 15-February-22


My response...

I recently read in The Book of Ceremonial Magic, which Damien's own teachings have me to start to read, that “Alchemy... is of more danger to the purse than it will ever be to the soul of man.” Therefore it seems either a contradiction or ironic, that Damien gives a brief introduction into "alchemy" using the distillation of herbs as an example; I imaged a bunch of his followers going out and buying that same equipment. Of course this alone would be missing the point; that by distilling some herbs seven times - a process which takes time and concentration, and as Damien says, isn't as easy as you might think - you're playing at being an alchemist or magician. The missing point though is that you're [supposed to be] developing yourself in the process (kind of like the "wax on, wax off" scene in Karate Kid. I would therefore consider it a form of meditation, but I suppose with focusing on that thing rather than as meditation often says (wrongly or rightly), to let go of those thoughts, rather than focussing on them.

And thankfully, this video has some insight into personal development, which I've come to see, or I'm starting to see as what "magic" (or alchemy) is all about (or at least partly). Jump to the following points in the video for the meat of this topic.

43:26 - 50:14 Reincarnation and personal development

44:43 He contradicts but then corrects himself; seemingly he thinks that if you die before achieving what you came here to achieve, you lose all of your progress. If we take an alcoholic who succeed in being t-total for however long, but then they 'slip up' and have a drink and get drunk, that they somehow lost all of that progress they made. This seems harsh and an extremely harmful belief to adhere to; if it were true then you might as well give up on trying, but then you miss out on the recovery your liver has probably enjoyed. I believe that you'll always carry forward some essence of a past/previous life, although not all steps are forward ones.

If/when you fall, pick yourself up. If the so-called "fall of man" as portrayed in the Bible were real (as I'm sure some essence of it is), and as is claimed in this video, "you've fallen, the end" then man should not being trying to achieve "enlightenment" or improve himself.

46:23 "Being interested in pointless things that are a waste of your time and energy..." Yep, I tell myself this almost every day...

49:55 It is suggested that the more progress you make, the faster/harder the fall. I sometimes feel this way if I am trying to abstain from something; like avoiding chocolate for a while and then completely binging on the stuff when I think "I'll just have one..."

What do you think?


Not complying with immoral orders
DarkHorse Podcast Clips | Date added: 12-February-22


My response...

The podcast includes a video of the Freedom Truckers in Canada that has been overlayed with the voice of prime minister Trudeau; I found it particularly moving to blatantly observe the contradiction between the "voice of authority", the propaganda and lies, and the reality on the ground for all to see.

Some call politicians mere puppets, so if this is the case then Trudeau is naively telling "his people" how the situation is being presented to him by the people around him, his advisors, with the evidence put before him etc. I don't get the impression he is that naive though.

Obviously things can get skewed on both sides; a video can be pieced together with all clips of Love and Peace signs, and omitting any scuffles. Either way, I do like to see the former. I do wonder not only how well all the truckers are coping, but all the services (and people) they would normally be supplying are. But I guess it has to be done.

What do you think?


Doug Bopst - Adversity Advantage Podcast | Date added: 01-February-22


My response...

There appears to be a lot of addiction in the world. It’s perhaps something we recognise within ourselves and see in others.

A great voice on this topic that I have discovered in recent months is that of Anna Lembke (MD) and I have listened to her talk at length to a few different people on Youtube. Here she talks with Doug Bopst and I list here some of the numerous take-home points I jotted down:

20:00 All of us use rewards to frame time... i.e. checking social media/our smartphones first thing in the morning or last thing before bed, watching Netflix/Youtube at the end of a busy day, playing a video game before doing chores or homework, smoking a cigarette before setting off for work, or going for a drink at the end of the week.

Something I have come to learn is routine beats motivation: “Don't question if you feel like exercising (or doing other healthy habits), just develop a routine of it and focus on sticking to it.”

31:57 Social media, smartphones, sex, smoking, and screens in general reinforce and increase dopamine levels in the brain, potentially leading to anxiety and depression when dealing without those things – this is a sign of addiction. Some pleasures utilise numerous avenues.

44:00 What do you need to change to recover? Routines, environment, and the people we surround ourselves with are some of the things we might need to address. Truth-telling can lead to your true identity and the person you want to be. [Playing down the seriousness of a problem is perhaps second-worst to not acknowledging it – binge watching Netflix, endless scrolling on Facebook, consuming junk food, and playing Fortnight until 3am, might be considered social norms, but do you honestly like this?]

49:09 Unhappy/bored/poor concentration? Your "drug", while you think it helps you manage your problems is probably creating those problem(s), or most certainly making them worse.

30-day abstinence to reset your brain [a month is good, i think 40 days]. Make a theme for a month: Frolic-Free February. Stoptober.

I used to think that being online was my gateway to socialising as I felt like I lacked that thing/ability/close friends in the real world/offline. For a number of years being online seemed to work; the internet was a happy place for me and I met numerous like-minded and relatable people. But then unhappiness crept in; friendships and relationships ended and I struggled to make new ones (just like I had struggled offline). Various online spaces thus became unhappy ones too. I then started to see that I had used the internet as an escape; it had distracted me from reality: the loneliness or the things I lacked, and now I sought (and struggled) to escape that; where to turn?

56:38 When you stop that thing you’re addicted to, at first it can cause more anxiety (potentially leading you back to that thing)*, but this is a withdrawal symptom – work through it. If you slip, this isn’t “back to square one”, it is perhaps just one step back; pick yourself up and move forward.

*I’ve also encountered the topic of anxiety and depression as being a symptom of being in an abusive relationship (abuse which can be physical and/or emotional). Perhaps, therefore, when dealing with anxiety as part of bad habits we’re effectively in an abusive relationship with ourselves; we need to treat ourselves (and others we would like to see improve themselves**) with love, kindness and compassion – develop supportive tactics.

**We can’t force others to change; talking to others about “their problems” (no matter how well intentioned) can be a form of confrontation which neither helps or at worst, makes things worse – one has to tread carefully or perhaps just leave doors open.

58:20 Focus on things you can do instead.

1:02:47 Avoid easy pleasures and expectation of reward (“likes” or compliments and praises, or other dopamine hits – do things for the good that they are.) Progress might appear slow, or even appear non-existent, but persistence along the right path, and in the right direction, will pay off.

What do you think?


This Is What's REALLY in Plant Based Food
Awakening With Russell Brand | Date added: 20-January-22


My response...

Russell points out that he's vegan, if not "flexitarian"; I'd not heard the latter term before, although I immediately grasped its meaning.

Russell then goes on to express shock as he reads an article revealing that processed food, even when it's sold as plant-based, might not be all that healthy. Sorry, but if it comes in a packet and is made of multiple ingredients, then it probably has "crap" in it - is Russell really so naive or is he playing down to what he considers to be the intelligence-level of his viewer-ship?*

I'm suspecting both of those points are the case; you will notice in the video that behind what I assume is Russell's gong, in what I assume to be Russell's room (we don't normally see him in here) is what appears to be one of those plug-in "air freshener" devices. I consider anyone who uses these to be a moron.

That's probably harsh and arrogant of me and I say it with a hint of comedy, but these things contain chemicals that to one degree or another probably cause health issues (especially for those with a sensitive disposition such as asthma and allergy sufferers) and are consumer-nonsense (I can't help recall many a TV advert promoting such things, so this says it all). One could hope that at least the device will be refilled once it has ejected all of those chemicals, but either way, that thing will one day end up in the bin and sent to land-fill. They come in plastic packaging and also consume electricity. If you want your room to "smell nice" consider some natural fragrance; simple potpourri might be a better option, or even a scented candle (lit responsibly) (I've not done my research on these, but I'm confident these would be a better option).

I stopped watching the video beyond this (2 min) point as I figured it wouldn't tell me anything I didn't already know; processed food contains crap and just because it's labelled as "plant-based" doesn't change this.

Furthermore, the thumbnail for the video appeared to be a picture of that plant-based "minced meat" stuff. I have tried that (Quorn) when the supermarket has reduced the price. My experience is that if you fry it in olive oil (or any oil) as I think you are expected to do, or would typically, it sucks it up compared to ordinary beef mince which is what I would normally have. Beef mince leaves the fat behind in the pan which you can reuse. I also found the Quorn I had to not be as filling/calorie dense. All this means, even when it was on offer, it still wasn't a good deal (although it was perhaps a good deal for the cow I didn't eat).

*Considering I have enjoyed a lot of Russell Brand's videos and sense of humour for a while (years before watching his videos on Youtube in fact) the tone of this commentary might be somewhat surprising but I have noticed a change in my appreciation for what he does. Namely; I've noticed recently that while he has talked at length about addiction, including internet and phone addiction, he has been releasing shorter videos, or rather video clips. This content I take to be pointless and disappointing since it plays to Youtube, its algorithms, and preys on viewers' addictive tendencies to click and watch anything and everything from a charismatic, comedic and entertaining character such as they take him to be. I could say more, but I'll leave it there.

What do you think?


Addiction: Why We Can't Fast or Keep a Diet...
Video by The Galen Foundation | Date added: 12-January-22


My response...

This video may bamboozle many a viewer; there is a lot to take in if you're not already familiar with a lot of what Dr Pradip Jamnadas talks about.

The long-and-short of it is to cut out processed foods. Anything from "refined carbs" such as "breakfast cereals" (those things aren't natural), things containing sugar (unless in their natural form as in fruit*) and anything containing a list of chemicals (this not only includes "energy drinks"* but products we put on our skin***)

*Be aware that fruits have been developed to be higher in sugar than they were originally. A case in point is the popular banana. While this maybe for a transportation benefit (since sugar is a preservative), but also from a "taste" perspective; sweeter foods are generally more attractive to the consumer. One should consider that artificial sweeteners are no better than sugar, or may come with their own set of issues.

**It seems contradictory that an "energy drink" can be labelled as '0 calories' - where does the provided energy come from? Answer: the stimulating effect of the chemicals (these are also addictive). Some of this will be down to the caffeine, but consider the list of "ingredients" i.e. chemicals and their effect on the body. Safe in those small doses? Then consider the cumulative effect of a drinking them often. Consider this also: that for every high there is an equal and opposing low. Proper food is what will provide you with proper energy and in a more balanced manner; your craving for an energy drink or soda is just that, a craving and the sign of addiction.

***Dr Pradip points out that the products we put on our skin are also harmful, from shower gels, to sun cream - one could also go as far as questioning the clothes we wear that are laced with their plastic fibres. Plastic packaging and food containers are also an issue. These contain neurotoxins and hormone disruptors, deemed safe only because of the low levels. Some will argue that sun cream, not only blocking "the sun's harmful rays" also limit Vitamin D absorption, which in turn limits the body's own abilities to protect against skin and other cancers.

I further expressed my views whilst watching this video in the form of this blog post:

What do you think?



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