In the Beginning by Karen Armstrong "Only 192 pages" well don't be fooled, 50 of those are just a copy and paste of Genesis. That aside, and, well, based on her previous work (I read The Battle for God back in 2011) which gives her some authoritative clout, if you want to gain a little understanding of the first book of the Bible then this is a good place to turn. As a book, it could have been something more, why just Armstrong's views? I have read a few historical books, and ones on religious topics, to know there are many interpretations of Genesis, this book could have been something more by collating some views from other sources, some which would agree with her view, and some would illustrate her point about the contradictive nature of the text. |
The Fall of the West by Adrian
Goldsworthy At 560 pages this book is quite a hard slog. While the author had a large task on his hands to bring together the history of the Roman empire, that's what he's done, but there is little passion or enthusiasm and the result is dry. Back in 2010 I read The Roman World by Martin Goodman, and that was much more digestible. |
The Sign and the Seal
by Graham Hancock Whilst reading The Lost of the Covenant by Tudor Parfitt, Parfitt mentioned that he had read Graham Hancocks The Sign and the Seal, and felt that he had failed to follow through on certain aspects of the Ark. That said, Parafitts own journey, and the thus the book also, ended on a bit of a flat note - the Ark, according to him was nothing than a wooden box that he had found on a shelf in a dark store room. Curiously, after I purchased this book but before I started reading it, a friend of mine notified me of a video I should watch at www.thrivemovement.com which I did, and then discovered that The Sign and the Seal was mentioned on the website as a point of reference. I later wrote about this on my blog: http://bmhonline.wordpress.com/2012/06/23/chasing-gooses-2 Once I was finally on my way and reading this book and following the author's journey on his quest to locate the Ark I learned that his quest would take him to Axum. Just prior to reading about his journey there I caught the last few minutes of David Badiel and Hugh Dennis' episode of World's Most Dangerous Roads (series 2 episode 3, Ethiopia) [link], just as they were arriving in the city of Axum/Aksum to the church that (supposedly) houses the Ark. The two comedians weren't allowed inside to view the holy relic, and that was also to be the conclusion of Hancock's own journey. As entertaining and informative as the book was, like Parafitt's journey, the conclusion, as I'm coming to accept in these cases, was to end on a flat note. I re-read this book in 2018. |
The Treehouse by
Naomi Wolf |
I was half way through this book when it dawned on me (to my disappointment) that I had in fact finished reading it already (it wasn't due back at the library for another week.) It would have been nice if this book was clearly laid out in two parts because the first half is about the Mayan's, their history and the author's discussions with Mayan elders, which I found quite interesting, and the second half is a glossary of Mayan Signs, like you would find in a book on astrology, and not something you would read from beginning to end, so I didn't. The Mayan's would object to this latter half being classed as astrology, because technically it's not based on star signs but cycles, but to anyone who has read a book or two on astrology they would think it is astrology - you look up your sign in the table at the back of the book (based on your time of birth) and then refer to the section for your sign. And the wording is like astrology too with positive and negative aspects of each sign, governing body parts, colours, complementary signs and suitable professions etc.
Back to the first half of the book, I
found it quite interesting (hence my disappointment when it came to an
abrupt end). It covers other topics I have read about, such as the
pyramids of the world (sounding like the author has read books by Graham
Hancock) and crystal skulls. The author points out early on that
December 21st 2012 will not be when the world ends - it is merely the end
Because some of the topics are on global warming, materialism, and how the West behaves, and has behaved towards the native Americans, the author (or who he's quoting) does sound like he is just having a rant at times, even a bitter one. I think there would have been a better, more constructive approach here: "We believe we are all-powerful, we worship reason and materialism, and we have become slaves of our own marvellous innovations..." "...instant personal gratification seems more important that humanity's well-being." "The other side is clear about what is wants. It would rather destroy so that it can continue to rule without sharing or ceding power. It is defined by this role and works on the side of negativity. It doesn't discuss, argue, or fight over positions - it knows who is boss." (my italics) "Globalisation has created little financial cliques that vie for the world's resources, goods and services. We have no idea we are being manipulated." "We constantly compete to accumulate material wealth to fill our houses with as many symbols of our riches as we can, but the struggle leaves us empty inside. We'd rather have the latest gadget than sit and watch the sun set." "What's left if we take away a person's car, credit cards, cell phone, and designer clothing? Nothing but a poor, depressed, lost individual who thinks he or she is a failure and has no reason to go on living because having things is the value on which we base success." "...Everything has been dulled - our minds and our senses. Led by technology, we have lost our way. We are all responsible for this... [and how we distract ourselves with] television and radio [and the internet].
I read the 1976 edition of this book (illustrated) although it has been re-published (and presumably updated) in 1993. I have read about similar topics, first in 50 Digital Ideas and then in The Shallows (see below). You'd think that in 35+ years this book, being about computers, would by now be pretty dated, and admittedly some concepts are, but the overall point is still valid. You would think the concerns about what effects computers have on us are more evident, but it's as if they have fallen on deaf ears - we blindly go on and move forward on this technological path we have made for ourselves. Computers in virtually every school and home, and a large proportion of people using the internet each day. It all sounds quite doom and gloom doesn't it? Well the book begins and end this way I think. Beginning with a negative look at how youngsters spend/spent their time in computer arcades, fighting, shooting and killing "the vision of countless youngsters standing hypnotised before computer displays... I think what is happening to young people... is a parable of our time, a sad and disturbing story." And that was the 1970s and these days it's all in our homes with games consoles and laptop computers and so you'd think those concerns would be more apparent now than back then with how graphic and real-looking video games are for example, but there is a "psychic numbing" induced on players of video games, and I believe, they lose their ability to empathise and thus the effects haven't turned out as serious as perhaps it was thought they might. Like video games, then as now, the internet puts us at a distance from the real. I would use the term "reality" but I think that is unique for each of us, so we can't be distant from reality... although we can lose ourselves. "...what is even more worrisome is that the kind of naive simple mindedness I am here talking about, results in the end in, yes is, an abdication of responsibility, a closing of the mind to reality without an accompanying sense of incompleteness..." The book is in part about artificial intelligence (AI) and the author's concerns about the moral implications for allowing this to progress down certain paths. I think the truth is that AI has developed at a slower pace than was anticipated and so the concerns in this area aren't as important (although still important) but these concerns can be transferred to the new uses for computers and how they have developed along a path that wasn't foreseen, namely the social impact uses. Today we have mobile computing and social networking services such as Facebook and Twitter, and it is here that the moral issues should be focussed.
Moving on to the core of the book, here the author uses some BASIC programming and other technical concepts to bring the points across, which would now feel pretty dated to read by anyone, although luckily for me I've dabbled in BASIC in the past and was already familiar with some of the concepts so it wasn't too much of a chore for me to slog through. Then, as mentioned, the book ends with the doom and gloom it started with. Towards the second to last chapter Weizenbaum to me seemed like he went on a rant - making some good points but a bit muddled (as rants tend to be). Weizenbaum hits on topics I have read about before, such as the balance of the rational/scientific/materialistic vs. morals/gut instinct and questions (rightly so). He questions why we spend so much money on defence budgets for example instead of looking at other means to solve global conflicts "...the introduction of computer into our already highly technological society has... merely reinforced and amplified those antecedent pressures that have driven man to an ever more highly rationalistic view of his society and an ever more mechanistic image of himself." We can no longer see a life or world without what we have created, it's as if this is the only way, hard, cold, no soul. It's not that we've created machines that have taken over the world, it's that we have become the machines we have created. "Fuck the system" Sorry, but we are the system. But there is hope, I believe, because "...every attempt to solve life's problems by entirely rational means always fails." If anything this book is more relevant
today than when it was written, but only because its points have not
been properly acknowledged or addressed by those in power. As
individuals we could choose not to buy into technology the way we do,
working so many extra hours each week to pay for a materialistic
lifestyle that is seemingly more comfortable, evolved, dignified,
scientific, progressive than an unconsidered alternative. |
This book was received as a gift and provides what it says on the cover. Now I’m never one to claim I know everything about technology and computers, and in fact this book made me more aware of how little I do know. Notes: The @ symbol p.17 "Until its first use in emails in 1971, the @ symbol was an obscure accounting symbol. Since then, it has become one of the world's most widely used symbols and has gathered a variety of different descriptions in different languages. While in English it is simply called the at sign, others are more poetic. In Italian, it is chiocciola, the snail thanks to its shape, while the Finnish language thinks it looks more like a curled-up cat (miukumauku). Russian leans towards a dog (sobaka) and the Chinese sometimes call it xiao laoshu or little mouse. But perhaps most colourful of all is the German interpretation: Klammeraffe or spider-monkey." Netiquette p.47 "if you wish to be part of a civilized digital culture, treat it as you would any other civilized realm, and maintain the same standards that govern decent interactions between people who, whether the space they are interacting within is virtual or physical, themselves remain real." DAMHIKIJKOK p.57 "don't ask me how I know, I just know ok." I've not come across this one before! Mashups p.113 Lolcat Bible: "In teh beginz is teh meow, and teh meow sez Oh hai Ceiling Cat and teh meow iz teh Ceiling Cat" www.lolcatbible.com Culture Jamming is jamming in the same sense that one side might attempt to disrupt radio communications during a conflict: it aims to disrupt and subvert mainstream cultural messages, often for satirical or political ends. Given the ease with which digital media can be manipulated, culture jamming broadly describes whole swathes of online activity and an alternative scene that has itself become sufficiently established to merit further satire and subversion. p.116 This is a topic I find particularly interesting. I do believe we are all controlled, some more so than others. Controlled through advertising which encourages us to buy things we don't need, buying into pointless products and pointless technology. Controlled through the media to believe certain things or to see the world from a certain perspective, most notably during conflict. Controlled through entertainment which portrays certain lifestyles, causing us to aspire to them because we are lead to believe what we see is the norm. And the reason for this control? On a basic level it is just money, material wealth by the controllers, the ones at the top. On a deeper level, maybe non-material. Going viral The most followed people on social networks are actors, musicians and celebrities. This reflects not so much the loss of internet subcultures the loss of the internet as a subculture. p.171 It's a shame isn't it? Virtual worlds are self-contained unreal places that people can visit, interact within and use to experiment with different ways of being. In the last few decades, they have moved with remarkable speed from being mere imaginative experiments to both powerful artistic and experimental arenas. p.172 Anyone who is worried about the effects of virtual worlds on social interaction should direct their concern at television long, long before they look at virtual worlds. Richard Bartle, a British writer, professor and game researcher, best known for being the co-creator of MUD1 and the author of the seminal Designing Virtual Worlds. wikipedia Virtual worlds have continued to grow in influence. In 2003, American company Linden Lab launched Second Life, an online space in which players were given an unprecedented degree of freedom to live out virtual lives through their avatars, buying virtual land and consuming virtual goods from a variety of real-world companies with a virtual presence within Second Life. It is primarily a social space, and one for indulging in the fantastical delights of building everything from virtual places to factories, but it has featured as a virtual venue for everything from business meetings to artistic collaborations and teaching. Some people refer to [it] as thethree dimensional internet. The migration of attention towards virtual worlds brings with it many concerns, some of which centre on the neglect of real life, exceptional cases will always exist [such as wives] who leave their husbands. But studies do suggest that those predisposed to addictive behaviour should exercise caution around the extraordinarily compelling experiences some game worlds can offer. Avatars p.177 How does
the way someone looks in the virtual world change the way they and
others behave? Perhaps unsurprisingly, experiments using different kinds
of avatars have found that people tend to be more confident and willing
to engage others when they are using more attractive and more
appealing-looking avatars. More interestingly, though, research suggests
that these effects can cross over in a limited way into the real world,
and that after using attractive avatars and behaving confidently online,
people may for a short period of time be more confident in the real
world. |
Because some of my reviews on books have increasingly included vast notes and quotations, I would like to point out that I do recognise that these books are protected by the Copyright act. I put my views online to share with other internet browsers in the hope that little snippets of information may be useful and my views interesting. I have always included links to the online retailer Amazon and encourage anyone that finds any title particularly interesting (thanks to what I have to say) to either buy a copy or borrow one from their local library. |