Timothy Good also wrote Alien Base. The picture to the right is of Timothy Good when he appeared
on BBC Breakfast in May 2008. I was particularly impressed with air of
authority on the topic of UFOs and his seriousness when faced with
somewhat light-hearted questions from the hosts. |
Underworld by Graham
Hancock This book is huge! 700+ pages! Seeing a book of this size on the shelf in the library can be a bit daunting and to be honest, the reason it's so long is because the author waffled on a fair bit! OK, so that's a bit harsh, I found it an interesting read and it certainly made me more aware of how sea levels have risen and lands been inundated since the end of the last ice age - Hancock just puts in a lot of the details from his research, such as transcripts from conversations he had with experts, where other authors would normally just summarise and then refer you to fine print at the back (and this book even lacks an appendix and instead refers you to www.grahamhancock.com I think the author's method worked well as it made the book more interesting as you feel like your on his journeys with him, and meeting the people he met as he dived at various locations.
p.433: "...the people who built the Mnajdra
complex, and all the other megalithic temples on Malta, worked with a
fixed unit of measurement. This unit, of 0.83 metres, is identical to
the 'megalithic yard' identified by the Scottish archaeoastronomer
Alexander Thom and found throughout megalithic sites that he had
surveyed from Calanish in northern Scotland to Carnac in Brittany." |
Pirates of the Caribbean The book of the film. |