Many people
know of Russell as a comedian, as a wise-guy (in
that sense), and an all-round funny-man (some
would argue, annoying and offensive), but he is
(and I would say, has become more so) wise in
the smart-minded sense.
Not a day goes by now on
Youtube, when Russell picks apart politics and
presents the world in a way that many people
just don't see, from Covid, to Christmas (or
I've started to realise
that a daily dose of the former is a bit much
(even as just a topic), but here I present to
you a video of his from last year's Christmas:
I found out
about this guy only this year, although perhaps
I'd heard about him and his story previously.
He's spent almost two decades
from his teens on Death Row. I read his book 'A
Life After Death' all about it. Now he has a
Youtube channel about 'magical' stuff which I
find quite interesting. He also has a beard,
quite fitting for a wise man.
Here is a video about
'Astrology, magick, and belief':