September 2020] After saying my final goodbye to TamaTuTu I reset
my Chibi to hatch another pet. I wasn't all that optimistic that
I'd get a third different pet so at the same time I put some
batteries in my Tamagotchi (a fully-fledged one this time).

The Chibi hatched after a
minute but the Tamagotchi took longer.

Due to the health chart
on the Tamagotchi which the Chibi doesn't have, I learned that
these pets could be fed more than I had been with TamaToo and
TamaTuTu, so I kept the Chibi well fed and filled up Gotchi-Wan
according to the health chart. I could also now play games with
the Tamagotchi of which the Chibi lacks that feature. It's a
simple guess left or right game, but when you win a round it adds
to the pet's happiness. Four wins and four meals fill up both
charts. Discipline also plays a part too as there is also a meter
for this; whenever the Tamagotchi calls out (beeps) and doesn't
actually need it you can press the C button and it will tell it
off and improve its discipline. I remember never feeling the need
to discipline TamaToo and when I did it accidentally I felt quite
Another thing I have
learned, this time due to the larger display on the Tamagotchi
compared to the Chibi, is that of the two food options, the top
one is a Meal, and the second one is a Snack. On this Chibi they
are only illustrated but on the Tamagotchi they are labelled; I
never knew which was best to feed the Chibi but I see that with
the Tamagotchi that each Meal contributes to 1/4 of the Hungry
September 2020] It seemed my new tactic of keeping the Chibi well
fed paid off (instead of feeding it once and waiting for it to
beep some time later to seemingly request more), as it grew into a
Maskutchi which I hadn't had before (Tama2 was a Kuchipatchi, and
TamaTuTu was a Nyorotchi). But like the previous two, Tama-Dre, as
I've now named him, will also grow into an Oyajitchi (according to
the growth chart I've been following).

September 2020] Gotchi-Wan grew! The Tamagotchi pet seems to be
taking its time to develop and grow into a more complex-looking
pet. I suspect this will mean it has the potential to live longer
(the Chibis seemingly limited to two weeks).

October 2020] Tama-Dre and Gotchi-Wan accompanied me on a hike up

October 2020] At 5 days old, Gotchi-Wan grew, and what I find
really amusing is that he looks similar to Tama-Dre!

The other thing that is amusing, is
how he plays the game, wiggling left and right!:

October 2020] Tama-Dre grew this week... I almost didn't notice
since I missed the beeps and he changed (as expected) into an Oyajitchi,
just like the others.

October 2020] I was expecting Tama-Dre to die today, since he
would now be two weeks old, and when I heard beeping I assumed it
was him... but it was Gotchi-Wan.
This surprised me because
I was hoping, and expecting, the 'proper' Tamagotchi to last
longer than the standard two weeks of the Chibis. I had done well
to keep him fed and happy and his discipline chart was full too
(although his hunger and happiness charts seemed to deplete more
quickly recently, keeping me on my toes!).
Maybe I had neglected him
this morning while I was getting on with things, but then I
realised it was only just after 11am and the Tamagotchi has been
going to bed at 11pm and waking at 11am, so I couldn't have
neglected him since he had barely been awake! (the Chibi goes to
bed at 10pm and wakes at 9am in adult life; I find it strange that
a Tamagotchi aimed at children would stay up until 11pm; I had
been turning his light off after 10pm regardless, but it would
still beep to inform me when it had gone to sleep - I suppose you
could adjust the clock forward an hour or two to make its bedtime
more reasonable.)
Oh well, farewell Gotchi-Wan;
it is quite distressing how they beep when dying and you can't
press anything to help. But it gives you chance to say goodbye if
you notice it, and the final screen of the Tamagotchi angel in the
stars is quite pretty and looking happy.

Then I waited for Tama-Dre...
Sure enough, some 15
minutes later Tama-Dre started to die... and after an hour he
joined Gotchi-Wan; farewell my alien companions!
As Gotchi-Wan died he
appeared next to an egg for a moment, which was quite strange. Was
he (or she!) laying an egg in that final moment, ready for my next
pet to be hatched!?

Fuzzy picture with reflection... it
happened quick!