Since I own a car I thought I
would list it here as a
project since there are a
number of things that need
doing to it.
The car seen here is not my
exact one, but it's similar;
I'm not really interested in
cars as such (although I like
watching people on Youtube
tinkering with them).
Personally, I just like
getting things working right,
like with the various
I have been working on... I
much prefer working on bikes:
much less chance of grazed
knuckles of seized bolts.
![](car.gif) Sort
out the brake judder - warped
disc (they look new) or ABS
ring issue? (see
Inspect rear brakes and
handbrake cable
De-rust brake pipes ready for
next MOT
Inspect (and likely replace)
spark plugs
Replace air filter (standard
or induction kit?)
Find where rain water is
getting in and soaking
driver's foot-well
have now taken delivery of a
pair of axel stands so I can
more safely proceed...
- - - -
[31 August 2020] Updates:
attempted to park on a
client's steep driveway...
the handbrake wouldn't hold
that; even parking in 2nd gear
didn't keep the car from
The boot
lock is problematic.
The bonnet keeps popping
itself undone; it did this
numerous times in one day - I
have now lubricated all
relevant catches and all is
noticed some sooty deposits
(whilst I was addressing the
bonnet) near the exhaust
manifold shield in the engine
bay... indicative of an
exhaust leak. I need to clean
that up and keep an eye on it;
this is not good for carbon
monoxide in the cabin...
[November 2020] Update:
car had a battery issue this
month. Basically the typical
thing; I go to start it and
the battery is flat. I had
been previously tinkering with
the boot/trunk lock as it had
become stuck in the locked
position (mentioned above and
now resolved). Since I'd
flattened the battery and it
was a good few years old I
elected to replace it lest it
let me down again this winter,
or at least I'd worry about
it. I sometimes don't use my
car for a few weeks since I
usually cycle everywhere.
[May 2021] Update:
The car got through another
MOT earlier this year, there
were just a couple of bulb
issues to tend to (one had
even been the wrong bulb since
before the previous MOT).
Somehow the handbrake is not
an issue for the tester.
When I previously replaced the
battery I'd discovered one of
the terminals was poorly
fitted and I had improved this
somewhat. This seems to have
inadvertently improved the
issues with the juddering
brakes... either that or if it
was a warped disc then this
has ironed itself out over
time (is that possible?) My
thought is that the loose
battery terminal was playing
havoc with the ABS system,
causing it to kick in every
time, making the car judder,
and further shaking the loose
battery terminal.
The boot lock issue causes the
lock to get stuck, it has done
this a couple of times leading
me to have to access the boot
via the rear seats. Then
miraculously the issue
resolves itself. It happened a
second time for me after my
sister had borrowed the car so
it seemed to be however she
was locking the boot as it
happened to her when she owned
the car but a mechanic opened
it fine! It seems to me the
key is worn and since the
remote/keyfob doesn't work the
single key I have gets used in
the driver's door lock and the
ignition barrel; these locks
and the key have worn in
unison but the boot lock
hasn't as this isn't used as
often. I have tried WD40'ing
the lock and catch with no
perceptible improvement,
instead I have developed a
knack with the key and the way
I manage the key in the lock
which is proving to be
reliable, although I can feel
the key struggle to operate
the lock.
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