2020, due to my mum running a thrift
shop and there being a demand for bikes, I got involved in fixing
some up. I'm not sure why that didn't reoccur in 2021, but in 2022
it has, and more bikes required attention.

The bike at the front,
an Apollo Outrage was already in great condition, and just needed
the rear brake's outer cable replacing as it had got rusty inside
and the cable was jammed.
small pink one, a Molly bike, with miss-matched saddle, and Action
Man stabilizers, needed the tyres pumping up and a test ride (the spokies demanded it - I remember having them on my own bike, up
until I was 10)... The test ride revealed that even when the
saddle was as tight as I could get it, it would still tilt under
the weight of a 40 year old guy, but would probably be fine for a
small girl... I noted that due to the lack of factory-fitted rear
bake, it wasn't technically road legal; to improve things I fitted
a (pink) bell.
The white bike at the
back, another Apollo-branded one, needed the rear gear cable
replacing as it had been cut short and there was insufficient
length remaining to adjust the gears correctly. The bike also
needed a clean but I didn't get round to doing that... #beyondmypaygrade
The following
peach/orange/sun-bleached-red-coloured bike just needed some air
in the tyres:

Next up, this vintage
'R.E.W. Reynolds' caught my eye:

Mechanically it
was sound and just required a new innertube for the rear wheel
and the handlebars straightening a little. The previous owner
must have only recently replaced the chain and tyres (although
they were clearly cheap ones); the brakes and gears were
perfect with just some fine-tuning required.
There was surface rust on the
frame but I elected to leave that as it was since it needed
time and dedication to do it justice rather than a quick
'tart-up' from a can of gloss black. The wheel rims were also
heavily patina'd and while I had the rear one off to replace
the innertube I attempted to tackle it with 'WD-40' and
600-grit wet and dry. Sadly this did next to nothing for the
patch between the spokes I tried it on (I have used this
method on rusty suspension forks), but it improved the braking
surface of the rims.
Now with the rear tyre with air
in I gave the bike the obligatory test ride, and I have to say
I quite liked riding it! I attached a rear reflector to the
seat post... and then realised there was one on the rear
mud-guard... oh well, now it has two! |

Some weeks passed and then
some more bikes arrived. One
was similar to the previous
one; a Raleigh Pioneer Commute
in green. One issue was that
it was missing one of the
original mud guard bolts.
Someone had MacGyvor'd a
replacement (by drilling a
hole through a bolt) but it
was lose and snapped when I
tried to tighten it.
Thankfully I found a set of
proper replacements on ebay.
Being an old bike it has the
typical rust issues, namely on
the wheels, seat post,
handlebar and saddle stems. I
just focussed my attention on
the rims to improve the
braking surfaces by using
"WD40" and 600-grit paper.
further two Apollo-branded
bikes both needed new chains.
A blue and white one needed
new brake pads, cables, and
handlebar grips.
One of the bikes was of the
folding variety (although I
didn't test that aspect of
it). It ideally needed new
tyres as they were somewhat
split but I deemed them to be
ok for the time-being and the
price of new ones couldn't
really be justified; ideally
they needed to be with white
walls like the originals as
they suited the pale blue
colour of the bike.
There was a small Muddy Fox
branded bike that was already
in good order and I just added
a rear reflector to make it
poor photo [right] is of a
large mountain bike;
essentially all it needed was
new inner tubes as they were
split. I thought I could pinch
at least one from a parts
bike, but it turned out to
have 26" wheels. I also had to
work my WD40-magic on the
rims, again, the braking
surfaces at least. Once the
tyres were pumped up, the
wheel hubs adjusted, and the
chain given some lubrication,
a quick test ride revealed all
was in order; the gears
shifted fine with no
adjustment needed.
There have been a couple of
bikes I have not been able to
repair this year.
The first one is an Emmelle
Rapier. This bike simply
needed too many replacement
parts (a rear derailleur and
gear shifter and a tyre to
name a few), and given that
the frame was pretty rusty
(albeit only surface rust), it
was deemed that it wasn't
worth throwing the required
money at it to get it
roadworthy as it wouldn't look
the part at the end of it.
This was a shame for me
because seeing the Emmelle
brand was quite nostalgic for
me as this was a popular brand
from my youth and I once owned
an Emmelle branded BMX. All
was not lost though; I used
one of the tyres/inner tubes
on another bike.
Another bike I couldn't fix
was a strange one; it was one
of the newer bikes but it
transpired that the rear wheel
had suffered bearing damage at
some point and someone else
had dismantled the axel. From
what I could determine some
parts were missing from the
axel and not only was one
side of cage-bearings
destroyed, so was the cup/cone
part of the wheel. Because
this was a bike with disc
brakes and a non-Shimano rear
hub, and I couldn't figure out
what was exactly
missing/damaged, all I could
say was that it needed a new
back wheel and that buying one
for it probably wasn't worth
it. Another option would be to
convert the bike to a e-bike
as the kits include a wheel,
but again, it would need to be
a disc brake version.
This small Muddyfox mountain
bike needed next to nothing
doing to it:

This Apollo Gradient also
looked quite smart and was in
good condition, I mainly just
put the saddle down ready for
the new owner (kids grow out
of their bikes and so the
saddle has generally worked
its way up, and the new owner
needs to start out with it at
a lower position):

red Apollo needing similar

This next bike reminded me of
the R.E.W. Reynolds from
earlier in the year. This one
is an old Raleigh but was in a
sound mechanical condition and
really only needed a
repleacement mudguard bolt
fitting - someone had
evidently replaced it with a
regular nut and bolt which
they'd drilled a hole through
for the mudguard stay, but
this was not tight and when I
attempted to tighten it, it
snapped (the hole wasn't quite
central to the bolt so it was
weak on one side) - a simple
fix with the correct part
sourced from ebay.

Fast-forward to November and a
couple of other bikes came in;
a cheap and crusty "Westbeach"
BMX and a somewhat reasonable
Apollo Saxon mountain bike.
The BMX will need a chain, a
brake lever, brake pads and
possibly other braking
components (the mechanism on
the handlebar stem that allows
the handlebars to do a full
360 also looks iffy), along
with a saddle. It could also
do with some new handlebar
grips, and a de-rusting and
lick of paint on the
chain-ring to make it look
like it's not going to fold in
on itself on the first
heavy-footed pedal-stroke.
There is also a combination
lock round the frame... I'll
either take a hacksaw to it or
sit and work my way through
the combinations...

The Apollo Saxon also requires
a chain, handlebar grips, and
brake pads, but other than
that it might be good to go.

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