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  How 2

Bulk Delete


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  • Some tips

  How to Bulk Delete (from your Neocities root directory)...

[10 February 2025]


Note, this is quite advanced, hopefully I've got things correct, but let me know if not. If you're a paid-up supporter of Neocities (I'm not) then you have other options at your disposal, such as FTP access.

Please keep backups of your website and files and do your own research; I have done my best to provide accurate information here but this page deals with the deleting of files, and so there is a risk that something could go wrong or a mistake is made and files lost.

Anyway, when I overhaul a particular section of my website (offline) I might opt to just delete the online directory and re-create it and re-upload the contents afresh. This is partly because the Neocities web interface doesn't provide an easy way to delete a list of files; you have to delete them one by one (and after each one you're returned to the top of the page...), and that's not ideal if there are a lot of files.

Some check boxes would be nice...

But what if we're dealing with the root directory? (you can't delete that)


Keep the bulk of your files in sub directories to avoid this issue in the first place!

I encountered just this issue as I'd accumulated a lot of image files in my website's root directory. Because I work on my website offline I could move them easily to new directories and re-upload them there, but then I needed to delete the ones from root online.


Here is how I achieved this (with the help of ChatGPT):

You need 'The Neocities CLI', but first 'Ruby':

To install from my Linux OS I did:

sudo apt-get install ruby-full

Then: sudo gem install neocities

Then: neocities login

As a test here you can do: neocities list


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Now for the complicated part (which took some back and forth with ChatGPT):

neocities list / | sed 's/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m//g' | grep -iE '\.(jpg|png|gif)$' > image_files.txt

cat image_files.txt | while read file; do neocities delete "$file"; done

You should see it working through the list, which can take a while if you have a lot. I had a few image files left over for some reason but this was no trouble to deal with manually.



A reason this command is so complicated is because the wildcard option (neocities delete *.jpg *.png *.gif) didn't work.

Essentially what the solution above does is produce a list of all of the image files (jpg png and gif*) in your root directory and saves that to a file (image_files.txt which in my case is put in my home directory). It does some filtering to remove some erroneous stuff so the list is clean and then the next command is to remove those listed image files.

Here's how ChatGPT explained it:

  • neocities list / lists all files in the root directory, including color codes.
  • sed removes any color formatting (ANSI escape codes).
  • grep filters only the image files (with extensions .jpg, .png, .gif).
  • The list of image filenames is then saved to image_files.txt for easy access.
  • cat image_files.txt outputs the list of image filenames.
  • Each filename is read one at a time by the while read file loop.
  • For each filename, the neocities delete "$file" command is executed, which deletes the file from your site.
  • This process repeats for each filename listed in image_files.txt.

*If you have .jpeg and/or .webp extensions you will need to add these also to the command (I tend to avoid these).


Keep your filenames simple, such as all lowercase and use common extensions rather than, for example, a mix of .jpg and .jpeg.

Because there were some image files I wanted to keep I needed to go back into Neocities and re-upload them, but that was simple enough.


Click here to read about "How I organise my website behind the scenes"



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