BMH Online


Day 13,
A chapter of Charles Dickens' Christmas Stories opens with the following, which I found to be meaningful:


"I have always noticed a prevalent want of courage, even among persons of superior intelligence and culture, as to imparting their own psychological experiences when those have been of a strange sort. Almost all men are afraid that what they could relate in such wise would find no parallel or response in a listener's internal life, and might be suspected or laughed at. A truthful traveller who should have seen some extraordinary creature in the likeness of a sea-serpent, would have no fear of mentioning it; but the same traveller having had some singular presentiment, impulse, vagary of thought, vision (so-called), dream, or other remarkable mental impression, would hesitate considerably before he would own to it. To this reticence I attribute much of the obscurity in which such subjects are involved. We do not habitually communicate our experiences of these subjective things, as we do our experiences of objective creation. The consequence is, that the general stock of experience in this regard appears exceptional, and really is so, in respect of being miserably imperfect."


I think this is less true now; the topic of "mental health" has crept in over the past decade. Back when I was at school (which doesn't feel all that long ago, we never heard of such a phrase, or talked of such things as "depression" or "anxiety". I also don't think it's a case of reframing things experienced under such guises. Sure, some people might be feeling down, but this was generally just an occasional thing, or due to some particular upset, not a persistent state of mind. Or maybe I was just oblivious to such things. Yet Dickens above, from over 100 years ago, hits on the topic of "mental health". Likewise, I learned some years ago that the term "boredom" was apparently coined by Dickens, and this also is a state of mind.

Further on is this chapter by Dickens he writes:

"I am a bachelor, and my valet and his wife constitute my whole establishment. My occupation is in a certain Branch Bank, and I wish that my duties as head of a Department were as light as they are popularly supposed to be. They kept me in town that autumn, when I stood in need of a change. I was not ill, but I was not well. My reader is to make the most that can be reasonably made of my feeling jaded, having a depressing sense upon me of a monotonous life, and being 'slightly dyspeptic'. I am assured by my renowned doctor that my real state of health at that time justifies no stronger description, and I quote his own from his written answer to my request for it."

Dyspeptic - displaying a morose or irritable disposition, i.e. being a moody old fart, as my old school friend once called a teacher... without realising they were within earshot! Back then I don't think we realised that people could be dealing with things that would set them on edge.

Anyway, I was having a stressful few days due to work; I've become increasingly unhappy with my line of work, which I have been doing for almost 20 years. I've been thinking about ways to bring about change in 2024, and a way forward.

It maybe be relevant that on this morning the Moon joined the Sun in the constellation of Ophiuchus. You maybe not have realised that if you're a Sagittarian, you may more accurately be an Ophiuchun as the sun actually passes through this constellation at this time of year, rather than only Sagittarius. I think the character traits as similar though.

ChatGPT provides the following insight:

A new Moon in Sagittarius; A new moon represents new beginnings, a fresh start, and a time for setting intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle.

Venus in Sagittarius; Venus represents love, beauty, harmony, and values in astrology. Sagittarius is associated with qualities like adventure, exploration, optimism, and a love for freedom.

Combining these elements:

Adventurous New Beginnings in Love and Values: The new moon signifies a fresh start, and with Venus in Sagittarius, there may be a desire for new and exciting experiences in matters of love and values. This combination suggests a period where you might feel inclined to explore, both in relationships and in your aesthetic preferences.

Optimistic and Open-Minded Approach: Sagittarius is known for its open-minded and optimistic nature. During this time, you might approach relationships and matters of the heart with a sense of adventure and a willingness to embrace new perspectives and experiences.

Setting Intentions for Growth: The new moon is a potent time for setting intentions. With Venus in Sagittarius, your intentions may revolve around expanding your understanding of love, seeking growth in relationships, or exploring new avenues for self-expression and appreciation of beauty.

Freedom in Relationships: Sagittarius values freedom and independence. In your relationships, you may prioritize mutual respect for individuality and encourage exploration and growth for both yourself and your partner.