BMH Online


Welcome to Day 1 of the ACT/BCTCT*... thing.

The weather turned cold this week and Jack Frost has been leaving nice patterns on my bedroom window for me to admire in the morning.


These hints at God's artistry have been backlit by the moon which this morning, according to, was a Waning Gibbous, I consulted ChatGPT about what this might mean and you can read about that [here]. It was still dark out when I woke, so that is the left one and the right one is when I finally got out of bed after having my morning cup of tea and reading for a while. I have also wondered if my own psychological state in the room within emit outwards while I dream and affect the display (or perhaps it could be the universe, passing through the glass and frost, and impacting my dreams within. The dark one reminds me of the time I tried my hand at "automatic drawing"; at the time the image meant little to me, since it didn't depict any "thing", but later I considered a representation of my state of mind.


*Advent Calendar Thing / Brian's Countdown To Christmas Thing