Brian's Creative Countdown to Christmas 2022

Day 5,

Yesterday I finally got around to doing some yoga. For a while I did quite a bit but as with a few things this year, I had been slacking. I find Yoga to be great for both relaxation after a stressful/busy day (or in preparing for one), and stretching out after a physically active day. There is a vast variety to yoga and Youtube is a great place to find routines to follow along with, from a variety of different of instructors. If you've never tried it then searching for "Yoga for beginners" is a great start, and don't worry about "feeling silly" at first, plus if you don't get along with one instructor, look for another.

Here's the routine I followed along to from Echo @YogaTX:


If you find anything too difficult or painful then just do as much as you're comfortable with; taking part is objective one, and the next one is to follow along (as best as you can) until the end of the session; if you incorporate the practice into each day, or at least a few times a week, you will improve. And as a final tip, don't push the forward fold that is in this routine; reach up and then gently fold forward towards your toes, but don't worry about not reaching them.

Incidentally, I've been reading a book called "The Gamma Mindset" about how to eliminate subconscious limiting beliefs, anxiety and self-doubt. Author Chris Walton recommends meditation as a component of such a life, and I treat Yoga as a form of this (it can certainly be easier to start with yoga if you're struggling with being able to "switch off" from every-day things or your devices; not only do you take part in something physical that gets you moving, breathing more, and your blood flowing, but you will discover areas of your body where you are "holding onto tension". Each time you practice yoga you can work to address this, and over time you will feel yourself improving, not only by getting more competent at the various moves/poses, but in boosting your general self-confidence, and even your ability to focus.

The benefits to meditating (and possibly yoga too) may even span to beyond yourself as an individual:

One of the most powerful examples of how our consciousness is broadcast outside of our body is the effects shown from large-scale meditation studies. In the 1960s Maharishi Yogi predicted that a small amount of people experiencing a coherent meditative state would create a significant measurable influence on coherence and orderliness throughout the surrounding society. This became known as the Maharishi Effect and studies have shown that if the amount of people practising transcendental meditation is larger than 1% of the square root of the population in which it is based, it will have a significant effect on the coherence of that society.