Day 3, Included in my lacking creativity
(prior to this month at least!) I had "gone off" my weekly
"Brian reads..." feature. I think this was partly due to my
reading from "The Islands" book leading me to read a chapter
about the Lofoden Islands. This was a lengthy read, which I
did over the course of two Saturdays, and as such was deterred
from actually editing the whole thing, which takes takes an
order of magnitude more time to do than actually read the
thing in the first place, what with all my mistakes and throat
clearings that I have to correct and edit out.
Anyway, here is the first half of "The Lofoden Islands, by
Gosse". The second half will either be completed next weekend,
if not before.
View of Reine on the Island of Lofoten by
Otto Sinding 1883.