Yesterday I spent the day with my
aunty and uncle that I had not seen for a while. My uncle has numerous hobbies and interests
of which I share a couple in one fashion or another; one of
these hobbies is playing guitar. I do feel like it's a bit of
a stretch for me to say I share this hobby (and I feel like a
con in suggesting it) because playing guitar is something I
just enjoy doing in my own way (such as playing along to
various songs when the mood takes - and ashamedly I can't even
play chords as you're supposed to) whereas my uncle, by
comparison, is a pro and he plays in a band and has put
together his own albums over the years.
We have different tastes in music too, and while we
struggled to even recognise most of the songs we each called
out, we did manage to play along together to a few songs, with
him on bass and me on lead (he even had us swap for a while,
and I'd never even picked up a bass guitar before!).
Over the years I have recorded myself playing along to a
few things on guitar, and I have always told myself that
I would like to do more, like get into a routine of recording
stuff and actually (actively get better), enough to warrant a
website section for this stuff, so maybe...
For now, here is me playing some of Michael Jackson's Beat
It, one of the songs I played with my uncle. This recording is
from 2015: