BMH Online

Day 8,

[My internet is back on this morning, earlier than expected; I was preparing to contact the company on Monday morning... I will not speak 'too soon' since the wind has gone, and last time I had a fault like this the fault was "still there" and made itself obvious when the wind blew the cable... Things are still slow(er than normal) but this might improve its own. I just about had enough Einstein@home work to last the outage, SETI@home was always a challenge in this regard.]

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[Anyway] I have been using Kubuntu Linux for a while. It's a variant of Ubuntu. I never really got along with Ubuntu, I didn't like the style mainly, but I realised the KDE Plasma (Desktop Environment) was more for me (I set it up originally from within Ubuntu), so with Kubuntu I feel I get the stability of Ubuntu (and the benefit of what works with it), along with the visual layout of KDE Plasma... I'm not all that adept at Linux stuff, but I'm getting there... I moved away from Windows because Windows 11 is hell, and I like to be able to choose when my system updates.

Anyway, I do have some issues with my setup.

GIMP crashes when closing with "unsaved" files present, and then again there is a follow-up message regarding this crash when I reopen it. If I just open GIMP and close it again, or open an image without making any changes and then close it, it's fine. I think I tired uninstalling GIMP and reinstalling it with no change since I was already using the latest version. I also don't like GIMP for making me choose Export instead of Save As... it really messes with my head when it comes to using PaintShopPro.

I'm reluctant to let the system install updates because last time I did that something messed up VirtualBox and I had to do a full-reinstall to rectify that. (I have Windows XP installed in VirtualBox where I have access to Microsoft FrontPage and PaintShopPro for working on this website etc.)

Firestorm (a SecondLife Viewer) is unable to flash the taskbar icon when there is a notification. However, Firestorm works great under Linux; the viewer loads promptly and doesn't seem to have to meddle with the Cache directory for an age like Windows does.

Dolphin, the default file manager is unable to drag multiple files into Firefox, such as to update this website on Neocities, only one file gets sent. I have installed Thubar to work around this and I suppose I could set this as my default file manager... but I haven't. With Dolphin I can organise any view (icon/thumbnail/list) how I want (Name/Date ect.), but only 'detailed list view' has this option in Thubar via the column headings. Neither file manager remembers how you view/organise a given directory and changing this will just set things across the board... unlike in Windows, which generally remembers each folder as you left it.

USB 3.0 works at USB 2.0 speeds in Linux...

While printers and their scanners generally work out of the box, not having access to the manufacturer's software (Epson in my case) can be a problem, especially if you have a model without a fully-functioning control panel (access to head-cleaning for example).

I use Audacious as an alternative to WinAmp; it mostly works but it does have some quirks.

Audacity is unable to output audio. I've tried the various output options.

I use the System Monitor a lot, just as I use Task Manager a lot in Windows. However, in Linux this console is limited; History view is where I'm usually at, but it defaults to Overview whenever I open it. The list of Applications is incomplete; for example I have BOINC running on my computer now, using up CPU, but it's not there in the list, neither is Firefox.

Oh, and the software on my backup drive doesn't work with Linux, so I still need access to a Windows computer for that.

To finish on a positive; being able to scroll the desktop! I'm often filling up my desktop with crap (partly because I don't use a particularly large screen), and while it's a good hint that I need to have a tidy-up when I can't get to the last thing I saved there without browsing to the Desktop directory in Explorer, suddenly finding I could scroll down was magical.