BMH Online


Day 4,

Today is going to be a busy day which I will perhaps talk more about tomorrow, but for now I would like to have a rant...

Annoying Services...

#1 The electricity company I am signed up to is pretty good, and this is not necessarily only them doing this because all are obliged to encourage their customers to switch to a smart meter, which I have ranted about before. I, of course, have opted out of this in various ways but recently a new tactic was employed...

I mean, there clearly can't be any benefit to me from having the smart meter, they're no long trying to sell me on how it will save me electricity, or money (because it wont), instead they're just trying to tempt me with perks for having one installed, it's like when people were being offered a donut to get a Covid jab. Thanks, but no.

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#2 One of the banks I'm with then annoyed me when I signed in to their website. Like the electricity company pushing smart meters, they've been pushing their customers to go paperless with regards to bank statements. This is all well and good; the routine has just been to sometimes present me with an option when I sign in to update my preference; I just click a box and continue on in to my account - I prefer paper statements because I feel better able to check off my transactions against my accounts and keep track of my spending*. Now, however, I signed in and then in order to proceed I was presented with this...

Notice the lack of option to stick with paper statements? There wasn't one. And in reality this page was a lot longer because they listed all of "the benefits" to going paperless and the "Continue..." button was below all of that.

Now, if I had just walked into my "local branch" (admittedly not that easy to do since they're all mostly closed), and then when I approached the counter and presented my ID, to be immediately told "We've now switched you over to paperless statements, if you want to switch back you'll have to go and see Julie upstairs, first door on the right and she will handle your request..." before dealing with what I went in there to do, that would be... well, I would say something regarding how stupid that is.

In this event I followed their steps and promptly opted back in to receive my bank statements by mail. The only issue now is I received a prompt email confirming I'd opted in to go paperless, but not one confirming I'd then opted out... If it turns out to be a problem and my paper statements now cease, or they pull this trick again, I will be having a word with them.

*I think banks actually prefer customers to not keep good track of their spending since this can lead to more getting over-drawn and thus incur fees.

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#3 Ebay is also a little annoying in various ways, and I mean as a platform and ignoring the issues people have with the sellers or buyers. The issue I have is ebay make it pretty much impossible to talk to anyone about a problem with the platform (if you have a problem with regards to a transaction then you can generally jump through the various hoops that have been put in place to get things resolved, but to talk to a person at ebay? Not on your nelly. It's almost as if they think there could never be such a problem.

The problem I've had recently is that I have a few "saved searches" that I have put into a HTML file on my desktop, like when I was looking for a car I set up my search criteria (distance willing to travel, price range etc.) and then saved the URL of the search results, so I could easily repeat my search on another day (I think there is a way to do this within the platform itself, but I like my way). This has always worked well, except some of the categories have now started to load very slowly...

Eventually I realised why this was happening. The slow categories have multiple pictures loaded in the "background" for each item and there are arrows that appear on the picture when you put your mouse over them so you can navigate through those pictures without loading the full listing. I first realised there was something odd when I noticed something akin to a progress bar beneath each image, taking up real-estate on my screen. I now realise this bar indicates how many images there are for the listing and whereabouts you are if you navigate through them.

It's all an annoying "feature" for me that does nothing but cause the page to pretty much fail to load at all. I'd grown quite fond of having a half-hour scroll through ebay to see what was newly listed in a given section.

As I say, this doesn't affect all sections, so it's like this is something ebay are rolling out, perhaps targeting certain sections first... but I have no way of reaching out to them to point out the problem; "This does not work / or it's terribly slow for someone like me without super-fast internet). I have looked around for a related setting with no luck.

However, since this has made my ebay browsing experience unpleasant, this has actually put me off having a browse each day... which might actually be a good thing (for me) since I got quite addicted to it a while back. Sorry ebay, you're now missing out on sales.

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To end on a positive service note; I recently had to chat online with someone about my phone service as I was unable to opt back in to the deal I was on (it's actually annoying that I have to contact them to do this, but their website or phone options don't give me the ability to do this), but this is beside my point; the chat went smoothly (once I'd got past the initial bot that thankfully quickly directed me to an actual human) and I was left a happy customer - I had worried they no longer had the deal I had been using and the service was going to cost me more and therefore I'd be obliged to go elsewhere.

The communication went so well that at the end when they asked "Is there anything else I can help you with?" I said, "Well actually, yes..." and requested a replacement sim card because my phone has an old one that will not fit a new phone. I therefore am a step closer to getting a smartphone... (something I talked about this time last year!) but perhaps more on this on another day.