Day 2,
Yesterday, being Sunday, I would generally have Sunday lunch with my sister, but "generally" is less accurate these days as she often works instead, as was the case on this occasion. I also woke up later than I generally would. I was intending to get this here Advent Calendar online as early as possible to help me keep on top of Neocities' daily update thing, lest I struggle later in the month. I had a lot to upload because I needed to move some directories around because back in 2021 at the start of this Advent..ure (see what I did there?) I put the calendar in the root directory, and now, by 2024, I was beginning to see that as being a problem, so I moved all the calendars to an 'advent' directory. I actually did the bulk of the work for this offline some month ago; it took a lot of redirecting of links (it was one of those "chores" whereby you knuckle down and get on with it, maybe put on some tunes, and then feel satisfied at then end that you did a good job). There's probably some errant links around there somewhere, but oh well. Anyway #1, once that was successfully done I moved on to the rest of my usual morning routing which is to hop on Memrise where I am "learning" some Russian, Polish, and German... my progress in such things would make snails look fast and I feel like it's more of a passive routine rather than an active engagement. But, I'm currently in the midst of a 3-month-long streak, so I'm quite pleased about that. A month or so ago Memrise made changes to their site which I ended up blogging about... but I never uploaded that. I've often consider adding a "Blog" section for such lengthy wafflings... maybe I'll get around to that this month... Anyway #2, after the lessons, and since it was the start of a new month, I fired up Stellarium and made a note of what the Moon is up to this month - this is something I've been actively doing for a number of months now. I like the Moon and I feel like its phases and positions relative to the background constellations and planets has some importance or significance. Yesterday the New Moon passed close to the brightest star of Antares in Scorpio: Today the Moon enters Sagittarius where it will pass through over the course of the next few days. Antares, by the way, is actually a binary star which can be occulted by the Moon and even Venus, although apparently you'll have to wait until November 2400 for that to occur again. I ended up spending the rest of the day trying to follow trails of thought regarding these things but ultimately getting myself distracted by a whole bunch other others. |