Day 15, I wrote yesterday
about my uncle and I's guitar playing. In addition to this
hobby my uncle also has a model railway. When I saw this for
my first time during my childhood I wanted my own and sure
enough I got into the hobby. First I received a kit for
Christmas and set it up on my bedroom floor, but soon the
engine suffered from the carpet and this lead my dad to
construct a proper baseboard in my bedroom while I was away
one time. I got into the hobby somewhat; I built some kits,
including a station and bought and laid some more track, but I
lost my momentum with it, plus it was an expensive thing only
having a small amount of pocket money or a part time job
later. Eventually I sold everything and got into radio
controlled cars instead...
Fast forward some years and once I got my own home I
decided my spare room would be ideal for a model railway and I
progressed with it at first, but again I lost my momentum. The
baseboards are still there but I ended up hoarding too many
computers which took over, plus the expense can also be
difficult to justify.
Anyway, back in my uncle's loft we 'played some more
trains' just like we had done the first time. It was great
fun; my uncle would send a train through to my area and give
me the challenge of shunting things around to leave different
wagons in the yard and take others on to the other station.
These could be quite a puzzle!
We chatted about his model railway and in
response to one of my questions about how it all worked he
gave me a history lesson on how the whole thing had developed;
parts of it had come from the layouts of people who had passed
away - he'd visited a couple of widows and helped them to find
new homes for their late husband's hobbies.
Now, while I was staying with my aunty and uncle
I had a phone call from one of my clients who arranged with me
to visit her upon my return home. From this phone call I got
the impression that her husband had passed away since I last
visited them, although I didn't want to overly assume this.
Sure enough, when I arrived she explained this to me. The
relevance to the model railway story is that her husband was
into railways too and I'd seen his model one time. So here was
me, somewhat synchronistically (and sympathetically) talking
with her about what she was planning to do with this model
railway and she suggested I contact her in the new year to
visit again to look things over. I'd even had a dream the
night before all about the visit and the conversation I might
have. For me this all feels like a
great nudge for me to get on with my model railway. I am a
great believer in things 'falling into place' like this
(although things could of course still turn out differently),
but I think
if you're 'destined' to have something it will find you -
although this doesn't mean you shouldn't take action, quite
the contrary; when the universe speaks, you should act.
Occasionally I have tried to force things, like the times I
have gone out of my way to buy something only to then be given
Anyway, for now I have used my video footage from
the drive I did (see Day 13); there is a
part where I pulled over and panned my camera around. I took
some stills from that and used a panoramic tool to stitch them
all together, and I then cut it up and printed out the pieces
to then stick back together to use as a backscene:
